New desks have arrived!

We are so excited to tell everyone that our new desks have arrived, and we have pictures!
So far we have been able to furnish desks for three of the four classrooms although we are still short 29 desks @ $58/desk. With school starting VERY SOON, we would ask that you prayerfully consider donating a desk or two or three! Whatever you are able, will be a huge blessing.
Don't they look great!?

Don't they look great!?

Our *brand new* desks

Our *brand new* desks


Originally, we had planned to call the new school, American Academy of Excellence.  However, we found that name was taken so we decided on, applied for and were granted the name, BCI Academy. According to Ethiopian rules, we had to publish the name for four weeks which was completed last week and we officially have our new name:  BCI ACADEMY.

BCI Academy

BCI Academy

As we continue to move forward with the BCI Academy, slowly but surely the world is building up around us. When we first started construction on the school, there were no houses or buildings around, let alone a road! But now, we are being surrounded by construction of soon-to-be homes and businesses. The government is also preparing to put a new road in. What is now piles of dirt, will soon be a new road!

Its great to see and be a part of all this progress, the growth of a community.

The road to progress

The road to progress


The growth of a community

The growth of a community

Abayneh’s Progress

Many thanks to Deanne for her dedication and persistence! Abayneh has been approved for prosthetics, has his passport, and had his appointment for his visa yesterday. So he should be prepared for travel soon & very soon!  This will be a long journey for him, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Please keep him in your prayers.

These are the wonderful poeple who will be caring for Abayneh:



Words of encouragment

It is always great to hear poeples feedback about their trips. Especially posotive feedback like this, from Gary S. in Middletown, NJ.

“Now seeing first hand the impact BCI is having over there, i know that God led us to them and we were right where we were supposed to be.  Our doctors started talking about going back even before we left.  My daughter became close with a 9 year old girl and immediately sponsored her.  If you plan to do more for Africa in the future i would highly recommend you try to do it through BCI.  The organization is really getting a good handle on what these kids need and how to go about taking care of that.  Being in this city only a year and their impact is enormous and growing.  Also if you or anyone else is looking to sponsor an orphan child, i would suggest a BCI kid.  30 bucks a month (a dollar a day) really goes a very long way over there.”

Blessing the Children is going on the road.

Blessing the children will be traveling the convention circuit this fall.  With stops in Los Angeles California, Seattle Washington, Cincinnati Ohio and Atlanta Georgia, our ministry friends should have no trouble visiting us someplace along the way.

We are attending three National Youth Workers conventions and Missions Fest Seattle. Please stop by, and if you have friends you think would like to get to know us, bring them along also! 

yours in Christ, Ben

National Youth Workers Convention
Los Angeles – Sept 25-28, 2009
Cincinnati – Oct 30 – Nov 2, 2009
Atlanta – Nov 20 – 23, 2009

Missions Fest Seattle 2009
Seattle – Oct 2 – 3, 2009