The Gathering Place

This winter, God blessed our ministry with wonderful Ms. Ray, a missionary from the United States who reached out last year when she felt drawn to serve in Ethiopia. After months of preparation, Ms. Ray joined us in Debre Zeyit full of passion and with a clear vision for creating an after-school art program called The Gathering Place.

Ms. Ray and art students next to new BCI Academy mural

In all, 338 children participated in Ms. Ray’s program. Most of the children were kindergarten, grade 1 and grade 2 students. Arts and crafts projects included 3-D pop-up cards, origami, painted wooden objects and construction paper creations. The younger students learned how to cut with scissors, paste and glue objects, and color. They had fun creating pinwheels that spin when they run. In addition to the young children, art students from older grades joined in as well as teachers and staff. They worked together to create murals on the side of the BCI Academy.

Ms. Ray displaying student artwork

The program was well-received by the children and staff alike. Older children were often plastered to the windows, gazing in to watch the classes. The students who participated were excited to practice their new skills at home and share their creations. We’re so grateful that Ms. Ray joined us in Ethiopia to teach and love our children and help them grow. God moved her heart to serve with us and she trusted His lead. What is God nudging you to do?